Erosion and Sediment Control - within the jurisdictions of Johnston County
Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance | |
Residential Erosion Control Flyer | |
JC Erosion and Sediment Control Guidance | |
Plan Checklist for Designers | PDF | Word |
Financial Responsibility Form | PDF | Word |
ESC Self-Inspection Form | PDF | Word |
NPDES Construction | |
- Johnston County Sedimentation and Erosion Control Jurisdiction Change (Effective April 1, 2024)
- NC Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual
Instructions for Submitting an Erosion & Sediment Control Plan
- Contact Johnston County Public Utilities to schedule a pre-design conference.
- A completed, notarized and signed Express Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form (FRO) - include any pertinent deed and easement information as well as latitude and longitude of the project.
- Application Fee - The application fee of $450.00 per acre (rounded up to the next acre) is assessed for the first 10 acres and an additional $225 per acre for each additional acre (rounded up to the next acre). Residential lot plans are $100 per lot.
- A completed application checklist.
- One copy of the erosion control plan. The plan must meet the requirements set forth in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. The complete manual may be downloaded from the NCDENR website at
- A narrative and all pertinent design calculations, construction details, and a detailed construction schedule.
- Direct all inquiries and submittals to:
Jessica Batten, Stormwater Manager
Johnston County Public Utilities
309 E. Market Street
P.O. Box 2263 Smithfield, NC 27577
Office: 919-209-8333
Fax: 919-934-7174 /