The Environmental Health section is responsible for the permitting and inspections of all establishments that offer lodging accommodations for pay. This includes:
The inspection includes all areas of the lodging establishment to determine if it meets compliance with the sanitation requirements set in the rules. Areas inspected include:
Lodging establishments that only serve non-potentially hazardous foods (muffins, bagels, pastries, etc.) or prepackaged potentially hazardous foods do not require a separate food service establishment permit.
Hotels and motels are inspected at least one time per year. A sanitation grade card is posted stating the numerical score and A, B, or C classification.
A bed and breakfast home is a private home offering bed and breakfast accommodations for eight or fewer persons per night for a period of less than a week. Inspections are done annually and a sanitation grade card is posted stating the numerical score and A, B, or C classification.
A bed and breakfast inn is a business of not more than 12 guest rooms that offer bed and breakfast accommodations to at least nine but not more than 23 persons per night for a period of less than one week. Inns are inspected annually and receive a sanitation grade card that is posted stating the numerical score and A, B, or C classification.
Page last updated: December 13, 2023
Todd Ramsey
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577
Phone: (919) 989-5180
Fax: (919) 989-5190
To find a copy of your septic permit,
send request to
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(except holidays)
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