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Community and Senior Services of Johnston County

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Community & Senior Services of Johnston County

1363 W. Market Street    

Smithfield, NC 27577

(919) 934-6066 Phone |  (919) 989-1838 Fax

Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

E-mail us:


Head West on Market Street past McDonalds and K-Mart (heading towards Clayton) to the next stoplight. Make a U-turn at Fareway Drive (light before Mayflower Seafood Restaurant). Our office will be on your right at 1363 West Market Street. Enter our driveway just after the 45 mph speed limit sign.

Click Here for Driving Directions (MapQuest) 





Caregiver Support

• Provides help, problem-solving and support for the caregivers of seniors 60 or older. Information, assistance, counseling, training, and limited respite.
• Loaning closet for educational books and videos to help and encourage caregivers.
• Consumer contributions welcomed.
• No age restriction on services offered to caregivers 

      Senior Centers

• Health and Wellness Programs.
• Educational Classes and Programs.
• Recreational and Social Activities.
• Senior Lunch Program.

Limited transportation services.

Benson                           894-2370
Clayton                           553-4350
Four Oaks                       963-3633
Kenly                              284-3392
Pleasant Grove                639-4061
Princeton                        936-2184
Selma                            965-6478
Smithfield                       934-8701

Information and Assistance

• Information provided on services available to senior adults (local, state, regional and national).
• Educational materials available on a variety of topics related to aging.
• Assistance available for linking people with appropriate service providers including medication management and legal assistance.
• Advocacy and Counseling.
• Prescription Drug Plan assistance.
• Limited “loan closet” for wheelchairs, walkers and other medical equipment.
• Consumer contributions welcomed.

Home Delivered Meals*

• Nutritious lunchtime meals delivered to eligible homebound persons age 60 or older living within a 5-mile radius of a Senior Center.
• Consumer contributions welcomed. 


• Independent living apartments are available for persons 62+ or disabled.
• Subsidized rent available. 


• Transportation to and from some Senior Centers if residing within a 5-mile radius of the center.
• Limited medical transportation in Johnston and some surrounding counties.
• Age 60 and over
• Wheelchair accessible vans.
• Consumer contributions welcomed. 


•  Johnston County Area Transit provides a variety of transportation services.
•  Limited general public transportation.
•  2 continual running loops are available in Clayton and Smithfield. 


•  The Senior Health Insurance and Information Program has trained volunteers throughout the county who can answer questions about Medicare, Supplemental Policies and Prescription Drug Program.

In Home Aides*

•  Trained aides assist clients in the home with Home Management and Personal Care services.
•  Clients receive services based on individual needs and service eligibility.
•  Consumer contributions welcomed.
•  Age 60 and older within Johnston Co. 

Health Promotion

•  Co-sponsor annual Seniors’ Health and Fitness Fair.
•  Sponsor various Support Group meetings.
•  Offer nutritional, educational and fitness programs at each senior center.
•  Co-sponsor Johnston County Senior Games. 

Lifeline System

• Lifeline monitors are worn around the neck or wrist, and enable users to call for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for medical or security reasons.
• Cost: $50.00 for installation of unit and $35.00 per month monitoring fee. (Prices subject to change without notice)
• Program offers peace of mind to families and seniors living alone.
• No age restrictions.

Geriatric Adult Mental Health Specialty Team

• Through training and consultation to support best practices in caring  for people with dementia and mental health issues.
• Provide training and consultation for long term care facilities.
• Consult with individuals caring for people age 60 or older at risk of psychiatric hospitalization.
• Provide community education on mental health issues.                                                                                                                                                                                   

Volunteer Services

• Volunteers may be available to assist with needs such as transportation, yard clean up and minor home repair.
• Call for more information or to volunteer. 

Voluntary Contributions

• Clients are asked to share in the cost of services received.
• Family, friends, churches, or others are excellent sources of help for clients who cannot afford to contribute.
• Council on Aging does not turn away clients for inability to contribute.

(*Indicates programs which may have a waiting list in effect.)


Page last updated on:  September 7, 2023