Attend the final public meeting for the Countywide Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP)
Meeting on Thursday, February 20th from 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. at JCATS
The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is a multi-modal, long-range plan that identifies transportation system improvements necessary to meet future mobility demands within a community (Johnston County). The CTP is developed and continually updated through a collaborative process among residents, county officials, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). It addresses highway, bicycle and pedestrian, public transportation, and rail projects over approximately 25 years, reflecting the growth and development anticipated for Johnston County.
By establishing the region's future transportation needs, the CTP offers an organized way to identify, and eventually prioritize, the transportation projects that will be built in Johnston County's communities. Local governments may use the CTP to inform local land use decision-making and transportation planning initiatives, and to communicate transportation expectations more clearly with residents, developers, and the NCDOT.
The CTP also serves as a framework for selecting future transportation projects for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) in urbanized areas, such as the Capital Area MPO, which identifies transportation projects prioritized for funding over the next 20 years. Once projects are in the MTP, projects are then selected to be placed in the even shorter-term Transportation Investment Program (TIP) that the NCDOT uses to determine projects for construction.
Additional CTP benefits include:
Attention to each of these transportation modes allows better provisioning for a broad range of transportation choices.
Figure 1. The Five Steps of the CTP Process
Establish an overall CTP Project Plan, and determine the partnerships needed, to produce community consensus on future transportation improvements that integrate fully with the community's vision, goals, and objectives.
Establish the current and future deficiencies for the overall (multi-modal) transportation system.
Draft strategies that address deficiencies in a way that minimizes impact on the natural and human environment, while remaining consistent with the community's vision.
Complete the preparation of the CTP for adoption and/or endorsement by the local decision-makers, and complete the draft CTP documentation.
Complete the final adoption by the Board of Commissioners, and complete the CTP documentation.
Figure 2. Schedule for CTP Milestones
The overall purpose of public and stakeholder engagement will be to:
There will be three public meeting opportunities as described below:
The CTP is a dynamic plan for the long-term future that will evolve over time to reflect changing conditions, such as a new street segment or sidewalk, or local plan and policy changes. Future amendments to the CTP will be made in coordination with Johnston County and the NCDOT, through a mutually agreed upon process.
Page last updated: February 17, 2025