Johnston County Solid Waste

Johnston County, North Carolina
Solid Waste Department

Entrance to Convience Center

Learn About the Landfill



Landfill Hours and Location

Landfill aerial viewThe Johnston County MSW Landfill is located at 680 County Home Road, Smithfield,NC.

Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., and on Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. All Facilities are closed on Sunday and County approved holidays.  

View the Landfill and Convenience Sites Hours and Holiday Hours Information.


Waste Disposal Fees

Landfill gateFees for waste disposal:

  • Municipal Solid Waste -  $45.00 Per Ton (Includes $2 Per Ton NC Fee).
  • Asbestos - $75.00 Per Ton (Includes $2 Per Ton NC Fee)
  • Yard Waste and Vegetated Debris - $20.00 per ton.
  • Non-Commercial Yard Waste - $8.00 Per ½ Ton Pickup Truck Load Volume.
  • Clean Wood Waste - $20.00 Per Ton.
  • Septic Tank Waste - $32.00 Per Ton
  • Used Automobile tires - No Charge for Residential or Retail Tires / ($65.00 per ton for ineligible tires)
  • All Scales Transactions - $8.00 minimum charge.


 What is prohibited in the Landfill 

Prohibited Waste Items that must be recycled:

No person shall knowingly dispose of the following solid wastes in landfills:
  1. Used oil.
  2. Yard trash.
  3. White goods.
  4. Antifreeze (ethylene glycol).
  5. Aluminum cans.
  6. Whole scrap tires. The prohibition against landfilling whole tires applies to all whole pneumatic rubber coverings, but does not apply to whole solid rubber coverings.
  7. Lead-acid batteries.
  8. Beverage containers that are required to be recycled under ABC laws.
  9. Motor vehicle oil filters.
  10. Recyclable plastic containers that have a neck smaller than the body of the container, and that accept a screw top, snap cap, or other closure. The prohibition does not apply to rigid plastic containers intended for use in the sale or distribution of motor oil or pesticides.
  11. Wooden pallets.
  12. Oyster shells.
  13. Discarded computer equipment (includes laptops, desktops, monitors, video displays, printers, scanners, and printer-scanner-fax combos.  
  14. Discarded televisions.

Some wastes are not accepted at the Landfill due to federal, state, or local laws. These items are:

  • All liquids
  • Fire, embers, or hot ashes
  • Hazardous wastes or unknown wastes
  • Poisons, herbicides, or pesticides

While certain items are prohibited from being placed into the Landfill, the Solid Waste facility will accept many of these items for alternate disposal means or for recycling. For more information about specific items the Landfill accepts please contact the Department of Solid Waste Services at 919-938-4750

Images of the Landfill

A description of how landfills are built is available at



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Contact Us

Solid Waste Services

County Landfill
680 County Home Road
Smithfield, NC 27577


Page last updated:  July 29, 2024