Johnston County Planning and Zoning Logo

Johnston County, North Carolina
Planning and Zoning Department

Request a Street Name

Use this form to request a preliminary review of the street names listed on this form. All street names can be reserved for one year. After one year, you may submit the name again if you still plan to use it.

Once names are approved, please let Carolyn Allen know which ones you want to use. If you do not provide the order in which the street names will be used, they will be used in the sequence shown on this form.

Security Question:

Notice: In an effort to combat Spam form submissions, you will need to answer the question below correctly to submit this form online. This allows us to determine that it is a human being completing the form and not a Spambot. Please type the answer as shown, but without any quotation marks. Thank you for your understanding.

Does a cow "meow", "bark", "moo", "oink", or "bray"?  


Please direct any questions, comments, or suggestions to
Thank you for your interest in Johnston County Planning and Zoning.

Page last updated: April 23, 2024

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Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

(919) 989-5150