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Johnston County, North Carolina
Planning and Zoning Department

Rezoning / Special Use Site Plan Drawing Criteria

NOTE: All site plans must be drawn to scale by a registered land surveyor or certified engineer unless it can be drawn by the applicant in a detailed and legible manner and approved by Planning Department Staff. The site plan must include the following items:

  1. Must be drawn to scale with the actual scale used shown on the site plan.
  2. Lot lines and the length of each line. A survey of the property boundaries can be used.
  3. Location of the driveway.
  4. Location of the parking areas with each parking space shown and scaled.
  5. Show location of any outdoor lighting and note the type of lighting on the plan.
  6. Location of all landscape buffers.
  7. Show all fences, existing and proposed, and note the type of materials and height.
  8. Type of material used in the parking area and driveways must be shown or noted on the plan.
  9. Location of existing structures (to remain), proposed structures, including all accessory buildings.
  10. Location of well, septic tank, septic tank drain lines, and the length of the septic line. This information is on the Environmental Health Permit.
  11. Distance from the road right-of-way and any existing structures (to remain) or proposed structures.
  12. Driveway culvert size.
  13. Parcel number, subdivision and lot number, name and signature of site plan drawer, date, graphic scale.
  14. Other items may be required on the site plan as deemed necessary by Planning Department, Planning Board, and/or County Commissioners.

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Page last updated: December 16, 2024

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Land Use Center
309 E. Market Street
Smithfield, NC 27577

(919) 989-5150