County Maps and Interactive Maps

Interactive Maps

Fire Protection Service District Map Newly Adopted (November 15, 2023) School Board Districts Map

Newly Adopted (Oct 2, 2023) Commissioners Districts Map

Voter Precincts

County Maps

Below you will find a variety of county maps that are updated each month and can either be printed right from this page or downloaded to your pc. We are offering these maps in a PDF format so that you can print them in any size your printer is capable of, from letter size to poster size. To view and print these maps, you will need Adobe Reader software. If you don't already have this software, Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free from Click on the links below to view, print and/or save the ready-made maps. We also offer a selection of interactive maps in which you can key in your address to find the district in which you are located.

Countywide Maps

You can also Request a Custom Map.



In the menu, if there is an arrow next to a format, this indicates that different print sizes can be selected. This is useful for sending information to a plotter. For desktop printers, only letter size is appropriate. The print sizes offered are letter (8.5”x11”), ANSI C (17”x22”), ANSI D (22”x34”) and ANSI E (34”x44”). Another size option in this list is HTML. This option allows a user to right click on a map and save the map as a digital image.


For letter size, MapClick will print to the user defined scale that appears under the Maps & Layers tab. If it is to print to scale in a larger size sheet of paper on a plotter, an equivalent ratio must be used to print to that scale. Size C will be 2x the input scale, Size D will be 3x the scale, and Size E will be 4x the scale. Example: To print 1"= 200' scale on a size C, a scale of 1"=400' must be used. To print a 1"=200' scale on a size D, a scale of 1”=600’ must be used. To print a 1”=200’ on a size E, a scale of 1"=800' must be used.

Page last updated:  January 29, 2025