Special Assistance In-Home

Special Assistance In-Home

This program provides an alternative to placement in an Adult Care Home for individuals who could live at home safely with additional support services and income. The program provides a cash supplement to help low income individuals who are at risk of entering an Adult Care Home and who would like to remain at home. The program can help with living expenses such as food, shelter, clothing and other daily necessities.

Individual Eligibility Requirements: This program is for Medicaid-eligible individuals with incomes at or below 100% of the federal poverty level, who meet all other eligibility criteria for Special Assistance, and are financially eligible for Special Assistance payments in in-home living arrangements.

Individuals must:

  • be age 18 or older 
  • have a doctor's verification of need for Adult Home Care or group home care
  • have a desire to remain (or return) to their home*
  • must be a resident of a county providing Special Assistance In-Home, and
  • be a US Citizen or Qualified Alien.

The current federal poverty level is $908 and is normally adjusted in April. This income level (needs standard) is lower than the income level for individuals receiving Special Assistance in adult care homes, and financial assistance is also less.

*Current ACH residents may apply and return to their homes if approved.

Cost: No cost to the recipient, but the supplemental income received from this program may affect Food & Nutrition Services allotments.

Contact: Johnston County Social Services, 919-989-5300

All inquiries go through the DSS main number:

(919) 989-5300

This includes Food Stamps (FNS), Medicaid, Temporary Assistance Needy Families (TANF), Child Care, Child Protection, Adult Protection, Foster Parenting, Transportation, and more.

Report Child Abuse/Neglect

Email cpsintake@johnstonnc.gov or Call 919-989-5442, or
After normal business hours, call 919-989-5000 and ask to speak with the on-call social worker.

Report Adult Abuse/Neglect

Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm (919) 989-5300.
After hours, weekends and holidays, please call 911 or (919) 989-5000.

Domestic Violence

Call 911 or (919) 989-5000.