About the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

The Johnston County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a federally mandated committee created by Superfund Amendments and the Reauthorization Act of 1986 with membership from:

  • Elected officials
  • Emergency response groups such as fire, medical, law enforcement, and health professionals.
  • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
  • Facility Representatives
  • Representatives from community groups and the media

The mission of the LEPC is to serve as a resource for:

  • SARA Title III Environmental Compliance
  • HAZMAT Training and Exercises
  • Site-Specific Chemical Planning programs
  • Coordination of chemical information to emergency responders
  • Maintenance of the County Emergency Operation Plan (EOP)

The LEPC meets on a quarterly basis and the public is invited to attend.

The primary responsibility of the LEPC is to receive information about hazardous substances from industry.

The LEPC can assist you in obtaining Tier I and Tier II related information from industry in your neighborhood. A request for Tier II information must specify the name of the facility and must be in writing by mail or email. You can submit your requests via email at lepc@johnstonnc.com or by mail to Johnston County Emergency Services, Attention Emergency Management at PO Box 530 Smithfield, NC, 27577.

For more information regarding Tier II reporting requirements, visit www.ncdps.gov/emergency-management/hazardous-materials/epcra-tier-2

Industry must provide three types of information to the LEPC, including:

  1. In case of an accidental release of certain chemicals, industry must immediately notify appropriate federal, state, and local agencies, including the LEPC. Once submitted, release information is maintained on file with the LEPC.
  2. If business stores one of 355 hazardous or extremely hazardous chemicals, they must report via E-Plan the amount, general location, and hazards posed by that chemical's use or storage.
  3. Annually, the industry must submit to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and to the U.S. EPA, a Toxic Release Inventory that reports on the amounts of toxic chemicals they routinely emit into the air, water, or ship off-site for treatment or disposal.

Chemical Safety Tips for Citizens

If you should happen upon a transportation accident involving hazardous chemicals:

  1. Move immediately to a safe area away from the chemical(s). 1,000 feet is recommended.
  2. DO NOT interact with any chemical(s) at the scene.
  3. Call 911 to notify emergency personnel. Give them as much information as possible without exposing yourself to danger.
  4. Alert others and keep them away from possible danger.
  5. Notify emergency personnel immediately if you become exposed to chemicals.

To view the current LEPC board members, visit www.johnstonnc.com/boardsapptsnew.cfm and select "Local Emergency Planning Comm. (S.A.R.A.)" from the list of boards.

2025 LEPC Meeting Dates

The LEPC will meet on the following dates in 2025.

  • Tuesday, March 11th
  • Tuesday, June 10th
  • Tuesday, September 9th
  • Tuesday, December 9th




Page last updated: January 3, 2025

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