Smithfield to Benson East Coast Greenway - Public Meetings

Johnston County Parks and Open Space is hosting public meetings in June for the Smithfield to Benson East Coast Greenway draft feasibility study to acquire feedback from the public. We are hosting 3 events, each in a different town in order to gather the most feedback and to inform the public of why this feasibility is important to the development of two state trails: East Coast Greenway and Mountain to Sea Trail (partial trail alignment; diverges after Smithfield). We sent out landowner coordination letters last month, so this is also a good time to come talk to us if you received a letter and want to learn more about what this study is.

So save the date and make it out to one of the three events we are hosting! You can find the dates/times and locations below. If you can't make it to these events but still want to share your thoughts, you can email our department at or call us at 919-989-7275 (please leave a voicemail and we will get back to you). 

List of Dates, Times, and Locations:

  1. Town of Benson - June 4th from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room (1204 N. Johnston St. Benson, NC 27504)

  2. Town of Four Oaks - June 18th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Town Hall Council Chambers (304 N. Main St. Four Oaks, NC 27524)

  3. Town of Smithfield - June 25th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Smithfield Recreation & Aquatic Center Banquet Room (600 M Durwood Stephenson Pkwy. Smithfield, NC 27577)

If you can not attend the public meetings, please open this PDF and scan the QR code or click on the survey link here, to share your input.


Page last updated: June 19, 2024

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